For updating refresh periods on a large scale it can be time consuming to do this one by one. This article will help you to update the refresh periods in bulk.
The first thing to remember is to do this by course, as trying to do multiple courses at once will affect the data(for example if a person has done one course but not another this will affect the process)
Once you log in go to the manager dashboard and click the activity reports on the left:
In the activity reports you will see the filters on the right. Beneath the first image is the filters only. You will need to filter by “completed” and filter the results to the last 2 years(or 3 depending on when the course refresh period is currently set to). This will then show any completed courses over the last 2 year period. Export this information to the excel. Please Note: this will be emailed to the primary email address of whichever profile you are using.:
At the next blank column on the right hand side enter the following formulae:
=A2&” “&B2 – This is basically telling the system to make the first name and space then the last name appear in the column. You will need to do this on the 2nd line, and can name the column name in the top cell
Once again you will need to make this fill the column using the double click on the bottom right corner of the cell.
Next select all the cells in the new column and use conditional formatting, hover over highlighted cells and click duplicate values.
You will then need to sort the data(by name is useful and also by colour) and delete any duplicates from the data. You will need to leave only the most up to dates of completion. Use the sort and filter option as shown below and select filter
Use the drop down menu and click sort A-Z, then use the same filter and filter by colour as shown below.
Download a copy of the import template from the activity reports page:
Copy the first 3 columns of the exported data(first name, last name and email address). Paste this information into the import plan.
1. Select the bundle(there will normally only be 1 option)
2. Click the download import template and open this
Copy the completed dates from the export into the correct column on the import after ensuring the example data is deleted.
1. The first part to be copied under the same headings in the import document.
2. The dates to be copied under the correct course heading in the import file.
In the next column over you will need to write =column number+the number of years the new refresh period is.
An example of this is =R3+730 this will bring up a year date of 2 years after the date set out. You will need to drag or double click the formulae(Hover over the bottom right hand corner of the highlighted cell and you will see the cursor change to a solid black + double left click to fill the column) so that it shows next to each of the dates in the excel spreadsheet.
Once done copy the data from this column(the dates only) and paste them over the top of the original data(as a value is the 123 icon above):
Now we need to delete the data from the column next to the new values and then ensure the format is set to general:
Type in the require number of months for the refresh period(12, 24 or 36). Save the document as it is now ready for upload and close the spreadsheet as the system will now allow you to upload an open document.
Before uploading please ensure that any non-completed courses under the course name have been deleted. This will allow the upload to occur correctly.
1. Select the course name and progress under the filter. Hit submit.
2. Click the floating white tick box and click select all matching.
3. Click the actions drop down menu
4. Click the delete as shown below. The system will ask you to enter the number of courses being deleted. This is a safety feature to ensure that no one accidentally deletes all data within the account.
Upload the excel spreadsheet and once completed ensure any staff, who did not have the course but needed it, or who are new are added back on manually with the new refresh period.
To import click Import learning plan as shown below:
1. Select the correct bundle
2. Click upload learning plan and select the import file from where you have saved it.