Do you have a glossary?

Do you have a glossary?

If you want to know the difference between smart marking and manager sign-off then you need the Glossary:

AccessibilityA tool to allow you to use Click-Learning in a way that works best for you. Customise the font, language, colour scheme and much more. Just click on your name in the top right corner once signed in and select accessibility to load the tool bar.
AccountYour company or organisation.
ActionsA handy option on the learners page to allow you to complete bulk actions for any learners you have selected using the check-boxes.
Active/inactiveSee status.
Activity reportA single report with all activity listed for each learner. Use the filters to create bespoke reports and export the results to CSV.
Add EvidenceOn the course section page, select one or more outcomes and the add evidence button will be activated at the bottom of the page.
AssessmentThe heart of Click-Learning. Each course section page will have an assessment which must be completed in order to be signed off. There are two types of assessment; smart assessment and manager sign-off.
Assigned coursesCourses which are added to a learners Personal Development Plan and which have a target end date. Courses which do not have a target end date can still be added to a learners profile but they are not listed as an assigned course.
Breadcrumb / navigation linksA handy feature to help you navigate Click-Learning. You can click on the learner name or course title for a quick link to that part of Click.
CertificateThe certificate is automatically generated by Click-Learning once all the course sections have been signed-off for the course. The certificates can be downloaded from the course page or by the learner in their My Certificates page.
Check boxA small white square which you can click into to select the associated record. For example; learners on the learners page or outcomes on the course section page.
CompetenceThe combination of learning, skills, experience and knowledge which the learner uses to safely perform a task and evidence their safety to practice.
CompletionSee progress
Compliance reportA pre-configured activity report which shows all learners with assigned courses.
CourseThe over-arching subject which the learner needs to complete. Each course will contain one or more course sections.
Course sectionA sub-section of a course. Each course section has an outcome framework which a learner needs to meet the requirements for. There will always be an assessment which asks a question for each outcome. Most courses also have learning which is linked to the outcomes.
CSVComma Separate Variable. A standard data export format which can be opened using all spread-sheet programmes.
Development planThe list of assigned courses which have been set for a Learner.
Evidence TypeWhen adding evidence on the course section page you must select one of the following evidence types:
- Activity
- Learning
- Meeting
- Other
- Statement
Expand boxThese are found on the course section page. They are small grey boxes with a white plus symbol in them. Click on the plus symbol to expand the outcome and see any evidence which has been added to it.
FilterA tool on the learners and activity report pages which allows you to filter the display by selecting specific fields to display. For example active profiles with the Care Certificate In Progress.
GroupThese are the foundation of the groups page. This is usually similar to your organisations structure chart and can be a list of teams or services. They are a handy way to group your staff together so you can monitor the overall group progress. Groups can be Parent or Child Groups. For example the service would be a parent and the teams within a service would be the child groups.
In progressSee progress
Last activeHelps you keep track of when the learner last signed in or accessed a course.
LearnerEveryone on Click-Learning is a learner. Learners have access to their development plan to complete any courses which they need to as part of their ongoing learning and development requirement.
Learner dashboardThe first thing a learner sees when the sign-in to Click-Learning. This has a quick link to the most recent course they completed and other handy information to help them focus on the courses they need to complete.
LearningSometimes referred to as eLearning. This is the online learning content which is available for most course sections. The learning can be started by clicking on the blue learning button or by expanding the individual outcomes and clicking on the view learning link to go straight to the learning for that outcome.
Learning archiveThe learning archive is visible on the learners profile page or course section page. It displays any learning activity which has been imported from the previous portal.
LicenceEvery profile on Click-Learning needs a licence for their profile. This includes inactive profiles and profiles which have not been signed into. Each licence is chargeable and paid for by the account.
ManagerThis profile type has full access to all Click-Learning functions and other profiles. They are subject to the following restrictions:
- they cannot edit their own
- they can only see other
profiles which are in their group or child groups.
Manager dashboardThe first thing the manager profiles see when signing in to Click-Learning. The dashboard has handy links to preconfigured activity reports and an option for the manager to switch to their personal learners dashboard.
Manager sign-offAssessments which are set to manager sign-off can only be completed once by the learner. Once the learner has completed the assessment they then add evidence to any outcomes requiring development which their manager then reviews before signing off the course section
My actionsA quick link on the manager dashboard to the activity report with the following filters pre-set.
Signed off {No}, Progress {complete}
This shows all
outcomes on the course have been completed and the only action remaining is for the manager to sign-off the course sections.
My CertificatesA page were you can view all your certificates in place. Manager profiles will need to switch to their learner dashboard to be able to view this page.
My ProfileA page where you can edit your profile settings and add a photo to your profile.
Nearing completionA course which has been assigned to a learner and has two weeks or less until the target end date.
ObservationA specific evidence type which can only be added by managers. Outcomes requiring an observation are displaye with a symbol of an eye and require the manager to observe the learner in the workplace as they demonstrate their competence against the outcome. To sign-off an observation the manager needs to add evidence on the course section page and select observation from the evidence type.
OutcomeEach course section consists of one or more outcomes. An outcome is a statement outlining one or more requirements for knowledge, understanding and skills which a learner is required to demonstrate in to order to be signed off against the outcome.
Overdue / DueA filter setting which managers can use to see any learners whose courses have not been signed-off and the target end date has passed.
PasswordEach profile has it's own password which is case sensitive and is recommended to have at least one of the following:
- Capital letter
- Lower case letter
- Number
- Special character (e.g !)
PDFShort for Portable Document Format. Each course can be saved as a PDF document which allows you to store the evidence in your local storage or upload to another system. The export to PDF option is available on the course page.
ProfileThis is how we control access to Click-Learning. Each profile will be set as one of the following:
- Manager
- Reporting Manager
- Reviewer sign off
Progress / CompletionAs the learner works through a course Click-Learning updates their progress or completion status. This is based on the percentage of outcomes which have been signed off. Completion is not updated when the learner completes learning or for any outcomes which the learner does not select the correct answer for a question during an assessment.
QuestionThe assessment is made up of questions which test the learners knowledge against the outcome. There are several different question types:
- Single answer, only one correct answer
- Mulitple answer, two or more correct answers, sometimes all the answers can be correct
- True/False, the question is a statement which the learner marks as true or false
- Scenario, the learner adds a free text response to answer an open ended
question or scenario
Quick sign-offThe process managers can use to sign-off multiple outcomes at once by selecting one or more checkboxes and then adding evidence to sign them off.
Refresh periodAn optional setting when adding a course to a learners personal development plan. If a refresher period is set (E.g. 1 year) then when the course is signed off Click-Learning will automatically add the course back to the learners personal development plan with a target end date set according to the refresher period.
Reporting ManagerA manager profile where all admin functions are disabled apart from the ability to view the learners' courses to add evidence and sign-off learning outcomes. This DOES NOT allow them to sign-off the course sections.
Reviewer sign offA manager profile, the same as the reporting manager but this DOES allow them to sign-off the courses as well.
Sign-in name / User nameUsually your email address. These are case sensitive and must be entered in exactly the same way as they have been added to your profile in Click-Learning.
Sign-offThe process of successfully completing a course section or course. This can either be through the smart assessment or manager sign-off route.
Smart assessmentA sign-off option where the learner repeats the assessment until they successfully answer a question for each outcome. Each time they retake the assessment Click-Learning generates a new assessment which only tests the outcomes requiring further development and picks a random question from the bank of questions set for each outcome. So each retake will have fewer questions than the previous until all the questions have been successfully answered. Outcomes requiring an observation will still need manager sign-off before the course section can be signed-off.
StatusActive / inactive: a profile setting which can control whether the learner can sign-in to Click-Learning or not.
System Admin
Profile type which can be requested from the support team.  This allows access to all manager functions, tags, sessions and API
Target end date / Due
date / Completion Date
An optional setting when adding a course to a learners personal development plan. If a date is set then the course is assigned to the learner and will be monitored on the manager dashboard and in the compliance report. Dates can be viewed and altered on the course page.