Getting started - taking your first course

Getting started - taking your first course

Welcome to Click-Learning!

You can access Click on your mobile, laptop or PC at any time.  Just go to using any modern browser.  We recommend Google Chrome, Safari, Microsoft Edge or Mozilla Firefox.

Once you have signed in, take a look at the menu options on the left hand side.  If using a mobile device, you will need to click on the three blue lines at the top left of your screen.

  Dashboard: the first page you see when you sign in with shortcuts to get to the course you were last working on.

  Courses: a list of all the courses you can take, as well as the ones you have completed.

  My Certificates: download your Certificates here and give feedback on any courses you have completed.

  My Profile: change your password.

  Training Matrix: check how your manager can see your progress on the Training Matrix.  Hint: any red or orange squares mean that you need to complete these courses as soon as possible.

  Help Centre: click the blue diamond to open the interactive user guide and Help Centre.

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