How long do your courses take?

How long do your courses take?

Everyone learns at their own pace and has a different level of prior knowledge. This makes it difficult to put a time limit on a course and doing so sets an unrealistic expectation, especially if an individual already has the knowledge to pass the assessment.

Using Click - Learning, learners can choose to take the assessment first if they believe they already have sufficient knowledge on a subject. They then only need to undertake learning and be re-assessed on the areas they did not achieve in the previous assessment. This will obviously be much quicker than completing both the full learning and assessment.  We call this smart assessment . It values prior learning and is designed to make learning relevant to each individual’s personal needs, reducing time and saving money. It enables learning to be focused in areas where needs exist making it meaningful. 

Does time logged equal learning?
We know learners can walk away from their device at any time so how can we be sure that they are learning.  We have heard of staff watching TV whist scrolling through eLearning, or even just setting their eLearning to play and going to make a cuppa. This is why Click - Learning focusses on passing the assessment which a learner has to focus on fully in order to complete it.  

However, in some cases we know you have to pay staff based on the amount of time they have spent completing their courses. If this is the case then there are a few options:

Fixed rate - simplest
Each course has a suggested or guide duration which you can check on our  website. Use this to pay your staff a fixed rate for each course.

Staff hours logged - Most accurate and ethical (Recommended!)
Ask your staff to log the amount of hours they have spent on their courses and pay them accordingly.  This is similar to a TOIL or overtime system where staff log the date and hours they started and finished working. This means staff will be properly paid as it includes time they spent accessing the system and navigating between courses.  It will also accurately reflect individual variations in learning speed, knowledge and ability.  Remember, you can check their times using the method below if you have any concerns. It might be worth explaining this to staff before asking them to do the learning so they know you can do this.

Detailed system activity log
As a manager sign-in and view a course which your learner has completed. The results page has everything you need to check your learners activity and calculate the time they have spent.  It will also allow you to spot if they have completed the course much quicker or more slowly than you expected, allowing you to check this with them before making any payments. You will need to calculate the time spent on the assessment eLearning separately.

Assessment time
Count the number of outcomes and allow one minute per outcome
Check the number of retakes and add time accordingly - you can check how many questions were answered by expanding the results page and scanning down. Think about reducing the amount of time for retakes if the learner has taken a lot of retakes.  Learners tend to speed up if they are doing lots of retakes.

eLearning time
Check the number of times the learner has viewed the eLearning at the bottom of the results page and calculate the difference in time from their first and final dates, making sure to this for each day they have been working on the course.

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